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Things moving swimmingly...

Dec 11, 2006

With some minutes making themselves available in the late evening, early morning, we will be trying to post a few more bits and pieces, and especially photos to our lovely website.

If you have any ideas for things you'd like to see posted on this site, let us know! Yes, say something! Not to yourself you big, dumb idiot. In our comments section!

Above, I have posted a shot of Shane and Dan Misener during Dan's visit last week. It was painful in two ways. It hurt to say goodbye, and it hurt that spot on the back of my know the spot where it hurts when you laugh too hard?

Misener is a constant reminder of the creative spirit, and he brought the most wicked and insane out of us during his hiccup of a visit.

Oh, and, "Hi Shane! Looks like I started posting blog stuff! Awesome! Thanks for letting me contribute to the website! Yeeeaaa haaa ha haaa!"
Cha cha cha

Barry from Barrie
seventeen and a half years ago

Maybe it\'s just me. But does Dan remind you of Mr Magoo. It seems that his eye\'s are closed alot...

Happy Christmas Boys!