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Sep 18, 2006

Topics to Come: I think there was something about cats?

Coalition for A Less-Complicated World
sixteen and a half years ago

About the moron with what looks to be a salt/pepper shaker over a cooked, bludgeoned persian cat: Please, say it is\'nt so! Did he cook that cat for real and then gut it and eat it? I understand that in certain cultures \'cat\' is considered a delicacy, but this is absolutely rediculous. I HOPE this is not the case, but from the looks of the photograph posted here, it damn sure could be. Since ther is no explaination about the subject or the picture itself, I guess I should take it at face value instead: I happen to have two beautiful persians of my own and the last thing on my mind is consuming them. The late Jeffrey Daumer may differ with my opinion, however, this is sick. I think the person(s) responsible for this hideous act should be brought before the necessary authorities and incarcerated. Y\'know, in most states it\'s a mandatory ten years inprisonment for the wanton taking of an animal life. I think this person has too much time on his hands and nothing else better to do. My advise would be to seek professional help and GET A LIFE! -anonymous

sixteen and a half years ago

No need to worry, it\'s a turkey, note the wings at the top, or it\'s one of those avian cats?
I as well feel that animal hurters should be hurt as well.

Iain K. MacLeod
seventeen and a half years ago

Marcello Fontana
seventeen and a half years ago

Instead of a Persian Cat... how bout a Submersion Cat.
I don\'t know, what do you think?